
Instructional Units:                     -              Review of Radiation Protection

                                                -               Review of Equipment Operations and Quality Control

                                                -               Review of Image Production and Evaluation

                                                -               Review of Radiographic Procedures: Anatomy, Positioning, Procedures

                                                                and Pathology

                                                -               Review of Patient Care and Education


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Pharmacology Review

Drug:  any chemical substance that produces a biological response in a living system

                - used in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a disease

Drug Nomenclature

-  Classification by name

                -  chemical name

                -  generic name

                -  brand name

PDR  -  Physician's Desk Reference

                -  info. on drug uses, side effects, contraindications and dosages

Classification by Action

-  Drug Families  -  group of drugs used to treat a given ailment/disease

Dosage Form

-  Tablet  -  most common oral form/ may be enteric coated to protect gastric lining

-  Capsule  -  powder or liquid enclosed in a gelatin coating

-  Suppository  -  shaped for insertion into body orifices  -  rectum, vagina, urethra

-  Solution  -  one or more drugs dissolved in a liquid carrier

-  Suspension  -  one or more drugs in small particles are suspended in a liquid carrier

-  Transdermal patch  -  drug applied to and absorbed by skin

Drug Classifications

  • Analgesics

         -  relieve pain without causing loss of consciousness

        -  may be narcotic or non-narcotic

        -  narcotics  - morphine/Demerol - used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain (can cause a

                                                                     physiologic dependency)

        -  non-narcotics  -  used to treat mild to moderate pain  -  Tylenol (do not cause physiologic                                                                                                                           d


  • Anesthetics

         -  produce loss of sensation  -  general or local


  • Antianxiety

         -  mild tranquilizers, calm patient without depressing or stimulating the CNS

  • Antiarrhythmics

           -  treat arrhythmias

  • Antibiotics

         -  used to destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms

  • Anticholinergics

         -  antispasmodic/ dries up secretions

  • Anticoagulants

         -  inhibit clotting of blood  -  Heparin (IV) and Coumadin (oral)

  • Anticonvulsants

        -  used to prevent/control seizures  (petit mal and grand mal)

  • Antidepressants

         -  used in the treatment of depression

        -  require several weeks of therapy to induce maximum effect

  • Antiemetics

         -  prevent and treat nausea and vomiting

        -  Compazine and Dramamine

  • Antihistamines

         -  used to treat allergic reactions

         -  Benadryl

  • Antihypertensives

         -  used to treat high blood pressure

  • Anti-inflammatory Agents

         -  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)

         -  Motrin

  • Antipsychotics

         -  major tranquilizers

         -  used to treat diseases such as schizophrenia

         -  Thorazine

  • Antiulcer

         -  used to treat peptic - gastric and duodenal - ulcers

         -  decreases acid production

         -  Tagamet and Zantac

  • Bronchodilators

         -  used to treat asthma and COPD

         -  Adrenalin (epinephrine)

  • Coagulants

         -  used to treat hemmorhage and speed up coagulation

  • Corticosteroids

         -  reduce symptoms of chronic inflammatory disorders

         -  Solu-Cortef

         -  Depo-Medrol

  • Diuretics

         -  drugs that increase the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys

         -  Lasix

         -  used in the treatment of  CHF and high blood pressure

  • Emetics

        -  promote vomiting

        -  Ipecac

  • Hormones

         -  act as stimulants to increase the activity of a particular organ or gland

  • Laxatives

         -  promote the passage and elimination of feces from the large intestine

         -  Ducolax

  • Sedatives

        -  hypnotics  -  depress the CNS

       -  Chloral Hydrate  -  sedative used for children

  • Stimulants

        -  increase activity

        -  Dexedrine

  • Vasoconstrictors

        -  cause blood vessels to constrict, increase heart action and raises blood pressure

  • Vasodilators

        -  drugs that cause blood vessels to dilate